Japanese studio Aoki Jun and Associates designed interface Louis Vuitton shop in Tokyo

Japanese studio Aoki Jun and Associates designed interface Louis Vuitton shop in Tokyo

Was selected group of architects for the design of two of the three train stations "iconic" supposed to be built in the French capital Paris as part of a project by the railway ringed Grand Paris Express Grand Paris Express.

Where the company will be designed architectural Spanish EMBT Clichy-Montfermeil train station in collaboration with the architects and engineers of the French Bordas + Peiro; while will be designed architectural Brazilian-born and resident in Paris, Elizabeth de Portzamparc Le Bourget station.
The architects were chosen by contest winners announce their names first and second Balmertptin been on hold while the third winner will be announced the name for the design of Saint-Denis Playel station later at the end of the month.
The agency manages public Société du Grand Paris Grand Paris Express project includes the construction of a new metro line is fully automated to form annular path around the perimeter of the city with three stations serve in the development of neighborhoods.
Been invested 300 million euros in the 33 first km of the network in 2013 to be a goal to build 205 kilometers of the line by 2030, the network up at airports, base stations line the TGV train that link Paris to the rest of France; total, will be built 72 new station as part of the project.
Has been appointed a number of these stations to be projects "iconic" in a global architectural competition was launched for the three of them. And already has been selected for a short lists of contenders for Atnton of stations included major architectural firms such as Foster & Partners Foster + Partners and U The studio UNStudio be winners and end architects mentioned at the beginning of the story.
The fall of 4800 square meters on the border districts of Clichy-sous-bois and Montfermeil EMBT station and an area was located in the center of the occurrence of violent riots that broke out in 2005.
Here explains Architects "will be the new station as a symbol of change those areas, as the station will bring Paris from these neighborhoods and Tdmenhm at the Grand Paris Express project."
Scheme includes a new public square in addition to the underground station is protected under the shady roof and natural light to enter the arena through a large skylight slot. While providing electrical drawers winding entry to the ticket hall and platforms cut.
"Our approach is based on the search for the largest merger to enter the metro areas within the urban context. It was locked in with a mild slope with drawers calling on people to get out of the station to participate in the arena." In the words of architects.
The station will include markets twice a week will also provide event parking is available for bicycles.
"We would like to turn this place into the abandoned and gray colored square and vibrant, feel joy and optimism. This is the reason our dependence on decorative forms of Rsaúv, forms and colors of the ceiling, decorative shapes and colors, from Africa."
Or for the second leg of the design of Elizabeth de Botzembark of the 6800 square meters will be the focal point of the Mseverin to and from Le Bourget Airport.
The design consists of a series of rectangular aperture sizes and ceiling natural light to enter the platforms below ground level, which is accessed through electric drawers.
"The train station is based on the principle of" full flexibility, "which provides more flexibility for future platforms underground and more transport networks in the future as well. Thanks to the materials used (wood and warm colors) and the strong presence of the nature of the stations became a place" to live ", a combination of sensual and friendly atmosphere for the user . "According to architectural.
Will focus the main flow through the vacuum on the "squares" or convergence zones distributed over multiple floor station.
Due to limitations imposed by the client are not any pictures of the exterior design of the launch, but the company said it will "Tootma" in order to increase the visible plant, which will turn into a "civil code and a teacher of the identity of the Parisian." According to the architects.

