Studio Bruno Franchi

Studio Bruno Franchi

Architecture, Interior Design, Carpentry
The Studio Bruno Franchi is a design studio based in Munich and Milan, which works for its international clients in the field of architecture and interior design. Focused on the design of hotels, exclusive private houses and high-quality housing our work covers the entire range from architecture-, interior- and facade design to corporate identity. The direct and intensive contact with customers is asimportant as the analisis  of  the building site. Together with the client we want to develop a common vision that connects the Genius Loci with the concrete user requirements. Architecture has to become readable and emotionally recogniseable.  Therefore we pay much attention to the semantics of the building materials as well as craft-based building and construction techniques .

Restoration and Preservation of historic buildings – The Studio Bruno Franchi has gathered valuable experience in dealing with historical building stock in the context of rehabilitation and restoration of various listed buildings. With the planning contract the German Youth Hostel Association for rehabilitation and reconstruction of the Youthhostel next to Nuremberg Castle we got the chance to work in one of Germany's most important monuments  the 700 -year old“Kaiserstallung”.

Hotel-, Restaurant- , Spa- buildings – The Office founder collaborated for over 9-years with the office Matteo Thun& Partners. Among others he was entrusted as project  manager architecture with the planning and execution of innovative design hotels , such as the Vigilius Mountain Resort/ Lana , the Pergola Residence/ Algund and the Edel : weiss Panorameresidences/ Katschberg . Dealing with contemporary and traditional timber construction techniques played a very important role in the cooperation with Matteo Thun& Partners. In recent hotel projects of the Studio as the Bora Hot Spa Resort and  Bora Japan Onsen/ Radolfzell managed with the combined use of wood-based panels with Typhaboards to define through this sustainable construction a new space aesthetic and corporate identity for hospitality.

Residential- and Office buildings – Due to the collaboration with Matteo Thun& Partners the office founder was entrusted as project  manager architecture with the planning and execution of innovative office and residential buildings , such the Social Housing/ Motta di Livenza, the Hugo Boss office building /Coldrerio and Binder Wood Center/ Kösching. In collaboration with Rodolfo Dordoni Architetti the Building Block T - Savona97 /Milan  arides. This compacted hybrid building with office-, loft- and showroom use serves as a strong inspiration for the current work on densified residential structures such as a Town House in Munich.

Sustainable Building – The studio currently collaborates with the Fraunhofer IBP in the Typhaboard research and development project. The Typhaboard is a a regenerative and pioneering building material. since it consists of nothing more than plant material and mineral adhesive, it is also sustainable. Single layered building shells capable of supporting high static loads an stiffing, resistant to mold, providing superb insulation, fire resistandand and requierimg little energy to produce become possible. The aim is to develop a sustainable construction system in order to get used for future hotel-, residential-, office- and even reservtion building as well as in residential, office buildings , and even in the rehabilitation and preservation projects. Sustainable Building to create new space aesthetics, architectural durability and recognizability in terms of artisanal building tradition
