(En) - Download AutoCAD DWG 2D file to bedrooms bedroom accommodations design ( assorted )
(AR) - تحميل ملف أوتوكاد DWG 2D لغرف نوم تصميم أماكن نوم (الفئة:منوع)
Click on the download icon file-upload
Download AutoCAD DWG file to project a
AutoCAD file a contains:
- Horizontal projections of the project
- Vertical projections of the project (sections (
- North façade
- Eastern facade
Click on the download icon mediafire
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The project is an AutoCAD file is special created by architecture students or architecture studies Vaellouka Office is responsible for:
- Re-modeling projects on the ground copying these files
- Misuse of these files and transfer the property to personal property
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